Friday, July 27, 2007

Words of inspiration....

If you've read this blog for anytime then you most likely know that I'm a reader, a desperate lover of words - if you know me personally then I'm sure you've known that for quite some time now. *grin*

I haven't had much time to soak up reading this Summer like I'm used to... but I decided to borrow this book from a dear friend of mine. This is 1 of the 2 books that I've so far been able to read this Summer. I want to share with you a few quotes from this book... hopefully reading these quotes will lead you into reading this sometime very random, vunerable, God-seeking book. :)

"When God is found and we embrace it with abandon, we embrace the Giver of it."

"I had fallen in love with my spirituality rathen then with the One whom I sought, and in the end it left me void and wanting."

"This is disheartening in that we know our living could be deeper and we have settled."

"It is no wonder we have trouble when trying to fit our "spirituality" into all the stuff of life because we've neglected to bring all the stuff of life into our "spirituality."'

"....Even in the middle of darkness and loss is the unexpected presence of God.."

"Sometimes praise comes face to the ground, unable to move because we are so aware that this holy, terrifying God has busied Himself bringing us back to Him."

Be inspired.... READ IT!



MEl :) said...

I may just have to read this next :)